Emergencies can make it hard to get around and communicate with loved ones. Schools need to be prepared and know how to manage an emergency or traumatic incident before it occurs. The way an incident is managed influences people’s recovery and can reduce further well-being issues. In the event of a disaster, the school’s responsibility is to its children and staff.
With the majority of our parents working in the Wellington CBD, it is highly likely that, in a major event, there will be a significant period of time before all parents can safely pick up their children from the school. In this situation, the school will continue to kaitiaki (care for) our children.
At Cashmere Avenue School we are Planned, Prepared and Practiced.
We are prepared with...
- three water tanks - 4000 litres!
- toilet facilities - buckets, shovels & lime!!
- food supplies
- first aid supplies
- tents and tarpaulins
- food & other essential supplies for around 400 children and staff for 3 days - including food for children with allergies e.g. celiacs
- mobile communications equipment, and much more.
We have planned and practised ...
- knowing what to do in a whole school evacuation
- fire drills
- earthquake drills
- lock down drills (to protect the children and adults at school from a potential emergency on the school grounds)
Showing whanaungatanga to our whānau is what Cashmere Avenue School is great at. We are prepared and ready in the event of an emergency.