Equipping learners to explore and thrive together

Nau mai, haere mai ki te pae tukutuku o Marae Roa o Khandallah.

Welcome to Cashmere Avenue School and our website. We are a primary school in Khandallah, situated in the northern suburbs of Wellington, 

New Zealand, Aotearoa.

Principal's Welcome

Nau mai, haere mai.

Welcome to Cashmere Avenue School| Marae Roa o Khandallah

I am Adelle Jensen and I am so privileged to be the Tumuaki/Principal here at Cashmere Avenue School. 

At Cashmere Avenue we equip our learners to learn and thrive together. Our children are curious.  They remind us that learning can start with a question and lead to a rich inquiry.  Our children want to connect ideas, discuss and problem solve. They are explorers inspired by teachers who create powerful learning opportunities and respectful classroom cultures.  Cashmere Avenue teachers are ākonga/learners too- we inquire into how we can broaden children’s values and capabilities even more. With a stunning outlook to the Wellington harbour, Cashmere Avenue is a hub in our community.  It has years of stories, plenty of heart and a great deal of pride. Cashmere Avenue school is a taonga, and our people are our treasure.  

We welcome enrolments from families in our enrolment zone. At times we also open the ballot for out of zone enrolments. If you are looking for a school for your child, please take a look around our website. You are welcome to visit- I would love to meet you and show you around our amazing school. 

Ngā manaakitanga

Adelle Jensen

Tumuaki / Principal


Important Dates

2025 Term dates:

Term 1:  Monday 3rd February – Friday 11th April
Waitangi Day - Thursday 6th February
Teacher Only Day - Monday 31st March
Easter & ANZAC Day fall inside the term break

Term 2: Monday 28th April – Friday 27th June
King's Birthday - Monday 2nd June
Teacher Only Day - Tuesday 3rd June
Matariki - Friday 20th June

Term 3: Monday 14th July – Friday 19th September

Term 4: Monday 6th October – Thursday 18th December
Teacher Only Day - Friday 24th October
Labour Day - Monday 27th October

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