Chair: Kirsten Richards
Deputy Chair: Sara Heath
Treasurer: Shawni Hatfield
Secretary: Emma Tatham
Current committee members are, Guanny Liu Prosee, Sheree Targett, Wendy Hoar, Jemma O'Brien, Brooke McPheat and Zoe Gray

Contact us by email at:

Please follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with what we are doing.
Our meetings are usually held on a monthly basis at 7.30pm on Monday nights in the school staffroom. These meetings are relaxed and usually finish just after 8:30pm. We always welcome newcomers, so please feel free to come and join us.

Can you help us out in other ways?

If you cannot attend committee meetings, we have an ‘auxiliary contact list’ where we welcome extra help for specific and one-off tasks required throughout the year. The committee will contact you as the need for help arises. Please email the H&S Committee if you would be interested in joining the auxiliary contact list. Types of help needed may include:
  • Willing bakers
  • Sausage sizzle cooks and helpers
  • School disco
  • Quiz Night and Auction Evening help
  • Cashmere Avenue School Fair 
  • A subcommittee leading up to the annual Cashmere Avenue School Fair.
  • Calendar Art
  • Ice Block Day