Home Learning

At Cashmere Avenue School we do not set formal home learning.

We encourage our learners to be active outside school hours, and our parents to help their children by:

  • * creating a supportive environment for daily reading
  • * listening to them talk about things that interest them
  • * giving them the opportunity to help at home, and
  • * encouraging them in their interests and trying out new things

As part of their school literacy learning, our children learn 'heart' words. These are words with an irregular spelling pattern,  or they are high frequency words with a spelling pattern that hasn’t yet been taught. When we teach more regular spelling patterns, we focus our students on the pattern they are learning. When we are teaching heart words, we help the child to focus on the irregular part of the word.  We use the heart word lists by Liz Kane.

You can read some more strategies for teaching heart words in this document: 

If you would like to support your child to learn their heart words, please contact their class teacher to find out which list of words they are currently working on. Your child's class teacher can share a copy of the list with you.
Once your child has mastered these heart words, and you would like to continue to support your child with their spelling and writing skills, your child's class teacher can share which patterns they are working on.